Alphatec™ F№ |
NIRS™ DA1650 Flour Analyser |
Alphatec FNo gives grain receivers a safe and modern way to perform the standard falling number test for sprouting damage in grain and enzyme activity in flour. Features include a cooling lid to avoid a rush of steam when loading samples and a touch screen interface.
Capturing the latest developments in near infrared (NIR) analysis, the NIRS™ DA1650 analyser gives flour millers a robust, purpose-built quality control tool, ready-to-use for many flour types and with future-proof features for a lasting return on investment.
It is ISO 12099 compliant and IP65 certified to withstand dust and moisture. It is ideal for accurate routine analysis either in the laboratory or close to the production line.
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NIRS™ DS2500 Flour Analyser |
XDS™ Rapid Content Analyser |
The NIRS™ DS2500 flour analyser is an advanced near infrared (NIR) analyser offering unique levels of accuracy in the measurement of ash and a high level of accuracy for other parameters such as moisture protein and colour.
The XDS™ RCA builds on the success of earlier NIR instruments, delivering high performance and seamless method transfer in an easy to use platform.
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ProFoss™ for grain and milling |
ProFoss™ for soya |
ProFoss™ in-line process analysis solution offers a range of applications for accurate monitoring of your grain and milling production, from whole grain to flour, using high-resolution technology. This easy-to-use solution ensures consistent quality, increased energy efficiency and increased yield.
The ProFoss™ for soya solution provides continuous measurements of moisture, protein and oil in soya meal at the end of production. The regular and accurate information lets you fine tune production for improved efficiency, quality and profit. ProFoss is a robust, easy-to-install process solution using high resolution near infrared analytical technology.
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Infratec™ 1241 Grain Analyser |
Infratec™ NOVA |
A wide range of ready to use applications covering all steps in the agricultural handling chain has been developed by FOSS. Analysis is simple for all sample types. Renowned accuracy combined with options for flour analysis, test weight and flexible sample handling make this a highly versatile and powerful analysis unit.
Infratec™ has always been the benchmark for technological excellence and performance in the grain analysis field. With Infratec™ NOVA we’ve just raised the bar. Smaller, faster and easier to use. Infratec™ NOVA represents the ultimate in technology, accuracy and ease of use and sets new standards for grain analysis.
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InfraXact™ |
Digestion Systems |
InfraxactTM device works with ISIscanTM software. ISIscanTM is a user-friendly operation software which supports the latest calibration Technologies with its advanced reporting and data Exchange features.
FOSS Tecator line Digestion systems are based on a digestion unit and a tube rack, allowing fully automated digestion for convenient, safe and flexible Kjeldahl analysis. Two way PC communication supports traceability and GLP.
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Kjeltec™ Systems |
Dumatec™ 8000 |
The Kjeltec™ 8000 series consists of three models: the 8100, 8200 and 8400 for simple and safe distillations with different levels of automation. The Kjeltec 8400 in combination with 8420 or 8460 sampler and Tecator AutoLift digestion units provide the ultimate in automated Kjeldahl analysis.
With Dumatec™, busy laboratories can deliver reliable Dumas results in just three minutes at a low cost per sample. Innovative features reduce start-up time while extending consumable lifetime and unique software functions allow desktop-operation and traceability.
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Soxtec™ Systems |
Sample Mills |
The Soxtec™ 8000 extraction unit is a fully automated system for fast and safe determination of extractable matter. For total fat analysis, the Hydrocap filter is transferred from the hydrolysis unit to the extraction unit which then performs the four extraction steps boiling, rinsing, solvent recovery and auto shut down, fully unattended.
Sample Mills cover a broad range of sample preparation applications for both traditional wet chemistry and near infrared analysis The range includes Homogenizers 294 and 297 for rapid homogenization of larger samples with a high fat or oil content; the Cemotec™ Mill for grinding solid samples without moisture loss; the Cyclotec™ Mill for uniform grinding of dry samples and the Knifetec™ Mill for the preparation of high-fat, high-moisture and fibrous samples.
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