Opsis FIALab
OPSIS provides comprehensive solutions for different emissions monitoring needs. We specialise in ambient air, emissions, dust, and process gas monitoring solutions.
AGRICULTURAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL ASSAYS -- The system has FIAsoft our new control software, a UV/VIS spectrometer, flow cell, light source, fiber optics, tubing and connectors.
Digestion Systems Soxtecâ„¢ Systems
FOSS Tecator line Digestion systems are based on a digestion unit and a tube rack, allowing fully automated digestion for convenient, safe and flexible Kjeldahl analysis. Two way PC communication supports traceability and GLP.
The Soxtecâ„¢ 8000 extraction unit is a fully automated system for fast and safe determination of extractable matter. For total fat analysis, the Hydrocap filter is transferred from the hydrolysis unit to the extraction unit which then performs the four extraction steps boiling, rinsing, solvent recovery and auto shut down, fully unattended.